

The anger of this desert, Like a concert in open air, Signals the end of an era, And beginning of another, like a reality that turns, On itself, suppressed, Not tamed, never shaken, Doesn’t ever change, and you know, That you go we don’t yet know , A strange but true mystery , A candle that you blow out sooner or later, But we will blow it out much later. Never before, the top, Can always be there, Arrive at the destination, Like a wheel, Sooner or later is empty, His anger, In the race and never lost, We turn, you want, Guide it, we will know, we have to, In the obligation of life, we will remain. But always at our best, Without ever losing, Without giving up, Without rewarding, It’s very strength to the enemy, Hidden in the shadow of our misfortune. We will live, we will know. Understand who/what is behind the evil. The truth sooner or later will come afloat , And we will understand what to do , Where to go , How to live .

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In anger drown all of my thoughts, They would be sincere, Yes, but with the hard work you do, you know, That you will take the path if you want, Otherwise nothing, However don’t ever be, The loser, Because victory over evil, Is the only way, Determined wake, To be well, you should, Knowing it is already just. Everything goes without saying, But if you have a mind that goes beyond, You move more securely between hearts, Towards a direction of hope, Against the empty abyss, Of values and conscious, That guide our hearts, Towards the lights that shine and fast, Ignite our souls, Lifeless, Still on the ground, without senses, Bad luck is not of us, Because if you have the desire to react, In the action against the adversity you’ll wake up, Infinite sensations of pure fear, That last, ‘take care’ Of us, Born again like flowers, In the Spring of our hopes, Between our dreams, Wandering in the ‘City of Happiness’, That does not want to be destroyed, If we will want it. At least this will be our force, our fortress.


On a carpet of feelings, Walks evil, That drowns our hopes, In a sea of why.., life opens on the horizon, Beyond the sky, Go the dreams chained to the needs, Of roads more true and just. Human heat turned on again, Our passions, Flying beyond any mystery, And discover a river of hidden feelings. Evil burns in a fire Of revolution. I feed myself with perseverance and commitment, And when it will go out, Another challenge will be transformed, in scintillating victory: liberation from a dark and terrifying destiny, The hope that all will come back pure. The end of evil.


Like a force of nature, I’m not afraid, Of error, That meeting and collision, Shot-down rejection, altogether. I don’t care what evil is worth, The sin – who breaks, My run is onset, I know, And the run must be rerun. Never with the heart in the grip, Must never end, Like a train – never tame. A cathedral of dreams between thoughts, Dies the yesterday on the rebirth of tomorrow. Hands High, never removed, in the sign of victory. In history, no one should ever die in vain, And I look ahead, Never happy, I continue – meanwhile, Love – time – heart. Everything passes – that nothing may, Ever violate the justice that rules on this earth, in this era.

Poems Written and designed (Except that BONUS) by F.S.B. with the participation of Mark Punisher

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